
ClickHouse Proxy

Our ClickHouse Proxy is a go app runnng on AWS Apprunner. It's only purpose is to receive small batches - or even just single rows - to batch them before sending them in bulk to ClickHouse. It does this by implementing the same HTTP interface as ClickHouse and buffering rows in memory, flushing periodically either every few seconds or when the buffer is full.

It's available at clickhouse.unkey.cloud.

Using the proxy is optional in development, but it can be enabled by providing the CLICKHOUSE_INSERT_URL environment variable in our API.


Our ClickHouse proxy is fully managed in unkeyed/infra.


The service is entirely configured via environment variables.

Environment Variables


The port to listen on.

Default: 7123


Username and password in the form <username>:<password> (username and password separated by a colon), which will be used to authorize incoming requests.

Basic auth was chosen because that's what ClickHouse uses and allows to reuse their SDKs. In your sdk, you can specify the url as https://proxyUser:proxyPassword@host:port and it will just work.


The HTTP URL of your clickhouse cluster. Ensure this includes the username and password

Example: https://username:password@abc.us-east-1.aws.clickhouse.cloud:8123

Running the service

You can run the service either by compiling the go binary via:

cd /apps/chproxy
go build -o chproxy .

Or using the included Dockerfile

See the docker compose reference for more.


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